Russian version N. Rimsky-Korsakov memorial museum-flat Saint-Petersburg

"In Diaghilev's circle": call for papers

"In Diaghilev's circle": Conference Programme

"In Diaghilev's circle": October, 25 - Concert Programme

2010: Conference "Rimsky-Korsakov and his Heritage in Historical Perspective"


In Diaghilevs circle: An Impresario in dialogue with composers
International musicological conference

Second International Festival Diaghilev. P. S. St Petersburg, 23-29 October 2011

The two-day international conference In Diaghilevs circle: An Impresario in dialogue with composers will take place in St Petersburg at the N. Rimsky-Korsakov Memorial Museum-Apartment 24-25 October 2011. Conclusions regarding Diaghilevs impact on the development of world art are still subject to revision. Only within the last two decades have there been several monographs published; the intention of these was an attempt to summarize, realize and elucidate a scale of Diaghilevs merit as an impresario, critic, curator of exhibitions, art historian, musician, and editor. However, in Diaghilev studies, many factors remain relatively unknown.

Among the less explored aspects of Diaghilev are his role as a producer of genius and his role as an impresario for composers. This conference will be concentrated in various aspects of composers interaction with Diaghilev, namely his function as arbiter of musical tastes, musical critic, discoverer of composers, editor of musical works and co-author.

Keynote speakers:

October, 24
Marina Frolova-Walker (Cambridge, Great Britain) Intertextuality of Diaghilevs ballets October, 25

Stephen Press (Illinois, USA) Serge Diaghilev: musical provocateur extraordinaire

October, 25
Richard Taruskin (Berkeley, USA) Diaghilev without Stravinsky? Stravinsky without Diaghilev?

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Museum-flat
Zagorodny pr., 28
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Tel.: 007 (812) 7133208
Fax: 007 (812) 7133208
E-mail to Lidia Ader
Mob.: 007 911 7657640 Information about the conference:,,

2009 Copyright Lidia Ader (text) Manko Alexsandr (design)

Hosted by uCoz